Absolute Singularity

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Heads up. This post is a doozy.
In my relationship with God, as with anyone with an intimate partner, I have come to see Him in ways that are sometimes unconventional. One of them is my perception of Him as a Noun.
In English, a noun is a name of a person, place, or thing.
God is a Person to me – a Being of Intelligence and Character; that much is straightforward and commonplace. God is also a Place to me – and this is the part it gets tricky to explain. You see, I have tried to imagine the universe. If God created the universe – I mean all that there is: multiverses, if you will – if God made all of those existences, then I keep wondering where He was at while creating stuff, and Who or What made that place He had to start from. I do realize that this is a heady subject, but for the sake of imagination, I picture that ‘All That There Is‘ is not just made by God, they are also contained within God, and that He is practically ‘All That There Is‘. In math, we call that a Superset. Since there is no place or existence beyond the conception of God, then everything created – material and all – has to be within Him. He is both the Person and Entity: the fundamental unit of existence, as well as the wholeness of it. God is the Principle of Life and the Being of all that is. He is the Origin and Framework on which all that exist lives, and the Continuity of all there is. There is no world or place that transcends God or exists outside of Him, otherwise, that place will have to be of a different Maker.
So if all is in God and made from, by, and in Him, I reckon then that the laws of nature and entities of the universe are all an aspect of God, Which and Who is the Whole while functioning within the realm of His Own Creation as a Sovereign. As such, God is a place – or in this case, The Place.
Therefore, just like the English noun, God is The Person, The Place, The Thing/Entity, and The Capital Idea of all there is; because He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Alright. I hope this odd post today reflects the present state of my mind. Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.
LUCY: Narnia? What’s that?
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
TUMNUS: My dear girl, you’re in it!
Wherefore, my dear fellow, God is not just some Overseer of the universe. You are in It.
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